
My Manifesto

Source: pixabay

"I [insert government name] solemnly swear to abide by the rules of none other but my own conviction to purchase clothing that solely stems from sustainable and ethical sources."

This well-versed declaration might be idealistic but it is in fact not (yet) 100% realistic, given my habitual and very unhealthy shopping sprees as well as my lack of discipline....but we're getting there guys.

There are enthusiasts out there in the world that buy nothing but second-hand clothing and make use of only recycled items in their daily lives. Whether you're a vegetarian/vegan/pescetarian/reductionist/I only live on air, it's noticeable that every lifestyle must have an extreme. I do not fall into that category.

Maybe right now you're in the same boat I was a few years ago. Back then in middle school, we watched many documentaries on pollution issues the world faces and how women and children all over get exploited for cheap labor. Like all my other classmates I was shocked and appalled and felt a splurge of guilt every time I bought a cute top from H&M (yes, we're naming the companies because this is my blog and I can do and write whatever I want) But that guilt slowly crept away after the cashier rang up my top and I had happily walked away from the scene. This same scenario happened every other time I bought my clothes from stores like Forever 21, Zara, New Yorker and all the other shops that brilliantly display "Made In your choice of a third world country" on their attractive garments. At some point, I really didn't care anymore. Until I did.

At least 3 pieces from each outfit were either thrifted or upcycled

For the past 5 years or so I started to make a conscious decision about buying less retail and more preloved clothing. This not so sudden change of heart was entirely brought on by no-one but myself. As my manifesto states, and probably many other wise people before me had said, change starts from within through one's own conviction.

As a fan of beautiful clothing and fashion, I had to compromise between what I really wanted to buy and what I believed I needed to buy. To put it in shorter terms, my days of senseless shopping are over. I'm more worried now about where my money goes than about how much of it I spend.

Shopping Spree at flea markets and second-hand shops? 

Shopping Spree in retail shops that most likely don't give their workers fair wages? 
In minor moderations.

Thus...I regretfully say I on occasion, quite rarely actually, shop from companies that do not abide by ethical regulations, but I can just as well say that I am making a difference by

- using online-communities and apps 
(Shpock, Depop, Asos Marketplace & willhaben.at) to shop second-hand

- selling old clothing at flea markets -

- re-using and upcycling my old clothes -  

- making my own clothing -

- swapping with friends -

got any other alternatives to reduce materialism and fashion waste? 
Let me know! And visit Fashion Revolution for more useful tips.

As I mentioned oh so many times in this written documentary; if you're sincerely looking to make a change find your conviction and stick to it. Slowly but surely you'll be making progress and breaking old shopping habits. If it worked for a hopeless case like me, it can definitely work for you!
